Later this month the
good and the great of the electron device world will make their usual
pilgrimage to San Francisco for the 2014 IEEE International Electron Devices
Meeting. To quote the conference web front page, IEDM
is “the world’s pre-eminent forum for reporting
technological breakthroughs in the areas of semiconductor and electronic device
technology, design, manufacturing, physics, and modeling. IEDM is the flagship
conference for nanometer-scale CMOS transistor technology, advanced memory,
displays, sensors, MEMS devices, novel quantum and nano-scale devices and
phenomenology, optoelectronics, devices for power and energy harvesting,
high-speed devices, as well as process technology and device modeling and
simulation. The conference scope not only encompasses devices in silicon,
compound and organic semiconductors, but also in emerging material systems.
IEDM is truly an international conference, with strong representation from
speakers from around the globe.”
That’s a pretty
broad range of topics, but from my perspective at Chipworks, focused on the analysis of chips
that have made it to production, it’s the conference where companies strut
their technology, and post some of the research that may make it into real
product in the next few years.
In the last few
days I’ve gone through the advance program, and
here’s my look at what’s coming up, in more or less chronological order. As usual there are overlapping sessions with
interesting papers in parallel slots, but we’ll take the decision as to which
to attend on the conference floor.
Again this year
the conference starts on the Saturday afternoon, with a set of six 90-minute
tutorials on a range of leading-edge topics:
- Physical characterization of novel
materials and devices for logic and memory, W.Vandervorst, imec
- Power Semiconductor Device Basics: History, Application, and
Physics, Ichiro Omura, Kyushu Institute of
- Optoelectronics of Graphene and other 2D materials, Phaedon
Avouris, IBM Research, T.J. Watson Research Center
- Reliability characteristics of CMOS transistors post
Si/SiO2/poly-Si gate stack scaling,
Eduard Cartier, IBM Research, T.J. Watson Research Center
- Power Electronics for a Smart Energy Future, Johan
Driesen, KU Leuven, ESAT-ELECTA
- Nonvolatile Memories: old and new, Jan
Van Houdt, imec
The first three
are from 2.45 – 4.15, and the remainder from 4.30 – 6.00. This year I hope to make it to my old friend
Wilfried Vandervorst’s session on characterisation, and possibly the other imec
tutorial on memories at 4.30.
Wilfried gave an
impressive talk at the imec symposium at Semicon West, and this time he has an
hour and a half instead of 45 minutes, so hopefully a good bit more detail on
what we can see, now that we are counting atoms in transistor analysis.
On Sunday
December 14th, we start with the short courses, “Challenges of 7nm CMOS Technologies” and “3D System Integration Technology”.
Last year the short course was “Challenges of 10nm and 7nm CMOS Technologies”,
so I guess we’ve moved on a bit; though I still need convincing that the 10-nm
process architectures are locked down as yet.
Hidenobu Fukutome of Samsung has organised the
former, and we have some impressive speakers – Greg Yeric, Senior Principal Design Engineer of
ARM, (Circuit application requirements), Peide
Ye, Purdue University (Device challenges), Guido Groeseneken, KU Leuven &
imec, (Reliability challenges), Eric Karl, Intel, (On-die memory challenges), and Tsutomu Tezuka, Advanced LSI
Technology Laboratory, Toshiba (Process and integration challenges). With
14-nm product on the market now, we need to look ahead, so this is appropriate
- on the Intel clock, 7-nm is only four – five years away!
It now seems that 10-nm will be silicon-based, so
we’ll see what the guys predict for 7-nm; new channel materials, nanowire
transistors, and how will they integrate into a manufacturable process? What
will be the effects on the performance of the basic logic blocks? What will
device reliability be like with the potential new materials/structures? Hopefully
we’ll find out here!
Eric Beyne of imec has set up the other short
course; 3D is a very hot topic these days, both finFET and die stacking – here
we are talking about die stacking.
Denis Dutoit of Cea-Leti looks at 3D System Design - Challenges for 3D
Integration; I have the distinct
impression that the manufacturing technology is in place, but design and test
still have a way to go.
Next up is Kangwook Lee, Tohoku U, on Enabling Technologies: TSV
Technology; again TSV technology is being promoted as here by
both foundries and OSATs, and some products such as the Xilinx 2.5D FPGAs are
out there, and stacked memories such as the Hybrid Memory Cube are sampling.
After lunch we have 3D evangelist
extraordinaire Subu Iyer from IBM, talking about Enabling technologies: 3D integration for the
Memory subsystem. IBM has been embedding DRAM into their products for several generations
now, and as noted above, we are starting to see 3D-packaged memory come on to
the market.
Wafer-to-wafer bonding is an
essential part of 3D stacking, and that’s the topic of James Lu from Rensselaer
Polytechnic. The last session is on 3D Reliability and Impact of 3D Integration on
Devices, with Kristof Croes of imec discussing the device
effects of the additional processing needed to make a 3D stack.
So some good solid stuff – although the
courses make a long Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., but it’s worth sticking
around to the end.
Sunday evening has some extra sessions;
Sematech is holding a session on “Materials & Technologies for Beyond
CMOS” at an as-yet unnamed location; and Leti will host a workshop on their
for silicon nano-technologies in the next 10 years” from 5.30 – 8.30 pm at the Nikko Hotel,
across the street from the Hilton.
Monday morning we have the plenary
session, with three pertinent talks on the challenges of contemporary
SiC MOSFET Development for Industrial Markets, John Palmour, Cree Inc. – broadening the range of uses for silicon carbide?
- Are 3D atomic printers around the corner? Enrico Prati, CNR IMM (Italy’s Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems) – now that 3D printers are becoming consumer goods, can we push the idea into the atomic scale? That sounds like the potential for everything from drugs design to the ultimate version of Moore’s law..
- Research into ADAS with Driving Intelligence for Future Innovation, Hideo Inoue, Toyota – Automated Driver Assistance Systems; moving towards the self-driving car?
After lunch we
have seven parallel sessions coming up!
Session 2 is a focus session on power devices, with a kick-off
paper by John Baliga of NCSU, on the Social
Impact of Power Semiconductor Devices (2.1). John invented the IGBT in his
time at GE back in the 80’s, and claims that the technology has reduced global
carbon dioxide emissions by 75 trillion pounds over the last 30 years. He
speculates that this can only increase with the introduction of new power devices.
Papers 2.3 – 2.5 and 2.7 look like
reviews of high-power switch technologies, and Si-, SiC and GaN-based power
devices, respectively, while 2.2 and
2.6 look at specific SiC JFET and
GaN HEMT devices.
Session 3 is the hot Advanced CMOS Technology group of papers with late news
additions by Intel (3.7) and IBM (3.8), both on 14-nm finFET
technologies, which even triggered their own press
The Intel finFET
(note – not trigate!) device features “a novel subfin doping technique” to
minimise fin doping and leakage under the fins, and air-gaps in two
metallisation levels. This is the first use of air-gaps in a production logic
part that I know of; we’ve seen them in memory chips for a while. Intel had a
persuasive paper on this at the 2010 IITC conference [1], and I was wondering
if we would see implementation at this node.
If you hunt hard
in Intel’s
August 14-nm announcement, you can find the air-gaps in the M5 level:
Air-gaps shown in Intel announcement |
And we did find
them in the M5 and M7 levels, but I will leave any detailed comment until a
later blog. The IITC paper [1] speaks of using a mask step to define specific
air-gap locations, and we can confirm that masking has indeed been used to
define specific locations.
Now that we are
analysing the Intel part, it would be remiss of me not to show an early shot of
the fins, and they are clearly different from the 22-nm variety.
There has been an obvious reduction in the width of the fin from its initial
etched dimension, and it is tempting from this image to say that the NMOS fin
is wider than the PMOS, but again more thorough discussion will have to wait.
Linear section TEM of HKMG gate in Intel 14-nm Broadwell chip |
IBM’s finFET is on
SOI (of course, this is IBM!) and has
a “unique dual workfunction process” which allows multi-Vt versions
of both NMOS and PMOS, and claims sub-20 nm gate
lengths. The process also includes fifteen metal layers and the latest version
of their e-DRAM technology.
Gossip in the
industry has it that 16FF was not advanced enough for TSMC’s customers, so they
did some transistor engineering and cranked up the performance; 16FF is not
even mentioned on the website these days, and 16FF+
is now in risk production, with endorsements by Avago, Freescale, LG
Electronics, MediaTek, Nvidia, Renesas and Xilinx, .
It will be
interesting to see if any of the dimensions have changed from the 48 nm fin
pitch and 90 nm contacted gate pitch announced last year. The metal stack is
stated to be the same as the 20-nm planar process with a 1x pitch of 64 nm.
Paper 3.2 is from Avago, discussing Analog Circuit and Device Interaction in
High-Speed SerDes Design in 16nm FinFet Process, and Renesas presents 3.3, on 16-nm 6T SRAM macros, both
presumably TSMC’s process. 3.4 again
looks at SRAM, but this time on STMicroelectronics’ 28-nm UTBB FDSOI process.
Next up is a
couple of academic papers (3.5 &
3.6), discussing a 28-nm integrated
RF power amplifier, and a 3D-stacked light harvester on a “epi-like Ge/Si
monolithic 3D-IC with low-power logic/NVM circuits”.
3.7 and 3.8 are the Intel and IBM papers, and 3.9 is another late-news paper, from STMicroelectronics,
but a change of pace from the finFETs – a 55-nm SiGe BiCMOS technology this
And by now it’s
5pm, the end of an intense afternoon!
In session 4, we take a look at Display and Imaging Systems. STMicroelectronics starts us off
discussing MOS Capacitor Deep Trench
Isolation for CMOS Image Sensors (4.1) in a joint talk with CNRS and
One of the goals in
image sensors has to be integrating the A/D converters on each pixel, instead
of at the edge of the pixel array, and 3D stacking comes to images sensors in
paper 4.2 from NHK and U Tokyo; in
which SOI wafers are direct bonded so as to provide each pixel with A/D
Conceptual diagram of
the image sensor pixel (left) and SEM cross-section bonded CMOS image
sensor pixel |
However, we won’t
be seeing this in a phone anytime soon, as it is a proof-of-concept with 60-µm
square pixels, as opposed to the 1-2 µm pixel pitch in most phone cameras.
NHK (jointly with
Panasonic and U Hyogo) has another stacked sensor in 4.3, this time a selenium photodiode stacked on CMOS circuitry.
The remaining four
papers are academic, covering far-infrared (4.4), a stacked SOI multi-band CCD (4.5), an embedded CCD in CMOS (4.6),
and the display paper is 4.7, a
solid-state incandescent device.
Session 5 covers Nano Device Technology – 2D Devices, a research session; 5.5 is a review of Nanophotonics with two-dimensional atomic crystals; the other
papers all cover graphene devices (5.3,
5.4 and 5.6), black phosphorus (5.2), and molybdenum disulphide and tungsten diselenide (5.1, 5.7).
Resistive RAM is discussed in session 6. CEA-Leti has three papers in the afternoon, (6.1,
6.3, 6.5) The first (joint with Altis Semi) looks at oxygen vacancies in
doped oxide/Cu-based conductive bridge RAM (CBRAM), improving the Cu filament
formation in the resistive layer; 6.3
is an invited paper that takes a higher level view of CBRAM and OxRAM devices
in two different applications; and 6.5
is a detailed examination of CBRAM operation.
Micron and Sony get together to build a 27-nm 16Gb Cu-ReRAM part in
6.2, with a 1T 6F2 cell – definitely some DRAM technology showing up here, in the buried wordlines:
Schematic of Micron/Sony ReRAM (left) and TEM cross-section of access devices |
TSMC and National
Tsing Hua U have a 28-nm BEOL RRAM in 6.4;
Stanford U looks at thickness limits in HfO-based RRAM in 6.6; Crossbar (6.7)
discusses crossbar RRAM arrays; and imec/KU Leuven finishes the session with a
paper on a TiN/Si/TiN selection device for RRAM switching elements (6.8).
Modeling Simulation of Extremely Scaled Group IV and III-V FETs
is the topic in session 7, looking
way ahead. In paper 7.1, imec and Synopsys look at the
stress effects of 3D stacking on 7-nm devices(!); 7.2 examines mobility enhancement in sub-14nm FDSOI, by the
CEA-Leti/STMicroelectronics/IMEP/IBM/SOITEC FDSOI crew; and transient
electrothermal effects in nanoscale FETS are considered in 7.3., from Osaka U and Kobe U, and JST-CREST.
Victor Moroz
(Synopsys) does a comparative analysis of 7-nm finFETs in different materials
in 7.4 – this might be a follow-up
of his talk
at Semicon West back in July, in which he concluded that silicon is still
the best channel material, at least for low-power mobile devices.
Samsung and Udine
U also look at different material nFinFETs (7.5, 7.6), and Peking U
discusses III-V ultra-thin body pMOSFETs in the last paper of the session (7.7).
NEMS (Nanoelectromechanical Systems) and Energy Harvesters are
dealt with in Session 8 – six
academic papers, ranging from graphene and Mo disulphide atomic-scale layers
that vibrate at RF frequencies (8.1),
to photoelectric hydrolysis on MIS photocathodes (8.6).
For those interested in energy storage, Intel
have fabricated porous silicon capacitors (
that can potentially be integrated on-die or onto solar cells, taking advantage
of the extreme conformal deposition capabilities of atomic-layer deposition
(ALD). The image below shows a top-down view of the porous silicon before and
after ALD TiN deposition; the wall of the pore walls get thicker, but the pore
structure doesn’t change. Capacitances of up to 3 milliFarads/ sqcm
are claimed.
Top-down SEM images of porous silicon capacitors before and after TiN deposition |
Then in the evening we have the
conference reception at
6.30, through until 8 pm.
In the morning we have
another seven parallel sessions, starting with session 9 on Advanced CMOS Devices for 10nm Node and Beyond, so another one I will
definitely be targeting.
The first paper (9.1, from IBM/STMicroelectronics/SOITEC/CEA-Leti)
is about strained 10-nm FDSOI devices, incorporating “a fully compressively
strained 30% SiGe-on-insulator (SGOI) channel PFET on a thin (20nm) BOX
substrate”; they also report ‘strain reversal’ in a PFET – is that so much
strain that it reduces mobility? In their workshops at last year’s IEDM and
Semicon West, CEA-Leti have been showing a roadmap that jumps from 28-nm to
14-nm and then 10-nm nodes – this looks like the first showing of the 10-nm
That is followed (9.2) by an invited
talk from Simon Deleonibus of CEA-Leti on how process technologies can move us
towards the zero-power era(?).
Purdue U claims the First Experimental
Demonstration of Ge CMOS Circuits (9.3) on a GeOI substrate, while
TSMC details InAlP-capped Ge nFETs on Si and Ge substrates (9.4), and Ge
n-finFETs on Si (9.5). Still in germanium, National Taiwan U talks Ge
nanowire nFETs on SOI (9.6).
The last paper of the session (9.7) is from
AIST in Japan on tunnel finFETS in a CMOS process.
Session 10 is a focus session
on Novel Imagers and Specialty Imaging
Applications, starting with an invited talk by Jiaju Ma (10.1)
from the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, on the Quanta image sensor;
as near as I can make out, this type of sensor scans the pixel array so fast
that it effectively reads individual photoelectrons, and the image is formed by
integrating x, y, and time.
Paper 10.2
from TU Delft discusses single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs), which have
enabled solid state range finding, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and time-of-flight
positron emission tomography. The topic of 10.3 (Ritsumeikan U, TU
Delft, Osaka U) is high-speed image sensors, aiming for one giga-frame per
Another invited talk
is by Siemens (10.4), about organic photodetector imaging, and next imec details a CMOS-compatible approach to
hyper- and multispectral imaging (10.5).
In a different spin, Annette
Grot of Pacific Biosciences (10.6) will discuss how high-resolution,
low-noise and high-speed image sensors have enabled large amounts of DNA to be sequenced
quickly and at reduced cost; and how further advances will keep on pushing
productivity and cost reduction.
For the final talk,
we go from chip-scale to huge – the large scale hybrid pixel detector systems
used at the Large Hadron
Collider experiments at CERN (10.8).
Session 11 is the second group
of talks about power and compound semi technologies, this time on High Voltage and RF Devices. Five of the six
papers are on GaN devices, and one (11.2) describes a diamond MOSFET
good up to 400C. We have a new acronym in there – a SLCFET (Super-Lattice
Castellated Field Effect Transistor), with a 3D castellated gate structure (11.5)
– that should make for a couple of interesting slides!
Circuit/Device Variability and Integrated
Passives Performance is the focus of session 12; the middle papers, 12.3 and 12.4
are the passives talks, on Ultra-High-Q Air-Core Slab Inductors (IBM),
and Above CMOS Integrated High Quality Inductors for wireless power
transmission (HONG Kong UST). The other discussions range from finFET
simulations (12.1 and 12.2) through MTJs for random number
generation (12.5), noise suppression by using dynamic threshold voltage
MOSFETs (12.6), and finally a consideration by ARM of poly pitch co-optimization
in standard cells below 28-nm (12.7).
We look ahead to TFETs and
other Steep-Swing Devices in session 13. The first paper (UCal Berkeley, Toshiba)
discusses a nano-mechanical relay (13.1), which inherently has zero
off-state leakage and perfectly abrupt ON/OFF switching behavior, but also
serious manufacturing challenges. 13.2 and 13.3 are TFET talks,
the 13.4 topic is a Schottky-barrier Si FinFET, and 13.5 and 13.6
review piezoelectric negative differential capacitance effects and devices.
Advanced Memories and TSV are the subjects of session 14; the first four papers are more
resistive RAM, from imec (14.1 and 14.2), Politecnico di Milano/Micron
(14.3) and Politecnico di Milano/Adesto (14.4). Adesto is the only
company I know actually selling CBRAM parts, although we haven’t had a chance to look at them yet.
14.5 is a
follow-up paper looking at noise in Samsung’s V-NAND flash [2], and 14.6
is also a follow-up from IBM on mobile ion penetration from BEOL layers close
to TSVs. IBM’s TSV process uses MEOL connection to the TSVs [3], so it’s
feasible that there could be some cross-contamination. Tohoku U contributes the
last discussion (14.7), testing polyimide TSV liners as a way of
reducing the stress in the adjacent silicon.
More sensors and
MEMS papers in session 15; the first three are
from Tsinghua U, about different applications of graphene MEMS (15.2 also from Berkeley), and TSMC/U
Illinois contribute 15.4, on an
integrated 180-nm SOI-CMOS biosensor.
Singapore author the final two papers, but on very different topics. 15.5 is an optical biosensor with Ge
photodetectors built in to the back end, and 15.6 details a MEMS-tunable laser combined with a photonic IC.
The speaker at the
conference lunch will be
T.J. Rodgers, founder,
President and CEO of Cypress Semiconductor, a well-known voice in the business
for decades. Given the recent news of the merger between Cypress and Spansion,
he could be an illuminating speaker!
Session 16 focuses on
Ge and SiGe Transistors, starting with an IBM/GLOBALFOUNDRIES
report (16.1) on strained SiGe-OI
finFETs with 50% Ge and fin width of 3.3 nm and gate length of ~16 nm; clearly
aimed at the 10-nm node.
Looking a bit further
into the future, CEA-Leti/STMicroelectronics/SOITEC (16.2) examine omega-gate CMOS nanowires, with strained SiGe-channel
p-FETs and Si-channel n-FETs, integrated into a SOI-CMOS process. From the look
of the pictures below they are using a gate-first approach, so there is still
some life in that technology.
_Barraud-c.jpg) |
TEM images of nanowire pFET |
16.3 is another nanowire
paper from National Tsing Hua U, this time with dopant-free Ge junctionless
nanowire non-volatile memories as well as Si nanowire FETs; and 16.4 is
a study of Ge quantum-well finFETs fabricated on a 300mm bulk Si substrate,
from Penn and N. Carolina SUs with TSMC and Kurt Lesker Co.
Imec tries out replacement metal gates on Ge
n-finFETs with raised NiSiGe source/drains in 16.5; AIST examines
poly-Ge-OI junctionless p- and n-finFETs, fabbed by flash annealing in 16.6;
and Purdue U (16.7) reports on GeOI CMOS devices with recessed S/D.
Session 17 looks at Trapping Mechanisms in AlGaN/GaN Transistors; definitely at the
academic end of the scale for me, although the last paper, CMOS-Compatible GaN-on-Si Field-Effect Transistors for High Voltage
Power Applications, by TSMC, seems a bit out of place (17.6).
Session 18 is the second one on
circuit/device interaction, this time considering Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits. Xilinx studies
the interaction between devices and analog circuits used in high-speed
transceivers in both planar and FinFet processes in 18.1. Part of this
will be using the TSMC 16-nm finFET process, we’ll see if it adds anything to
their paper in session 3.
Broadcom looks at mismatch in HKMG transistors
related to the layout, and finds sensitivity to top metal routing, in 18.2.
GLOBALFOUNDRIES (18.3) looks at Analog and I/O Scaling in 10nm SoC
Technology and Beyond; is it better to take an increasing proportion of the
die for hard-to-shrink analog, or go with TSVs and multiple dies?
CEA-Leti has a pathfinding paper (18.4)
reviewing RF front-end modules (FEMs) in the light of the increasing number of
modes (GSM, WCDMA, LTE, etc) and frequency bands in mobile devices. There are
now more than 40 bands worldwide, so we see multiple FEMs in the worldphones we
take apart, and keeping costs down while enhancing capability is one of the
understated challenges in the industry.
There is more RF from Mediatek in 18.5,
this time examining Digitally-Intensive RF
Transceivers in Highly Scaled CMOS; apparently, these days embedded intelligence is needed on-chip to reduce
the sensitivity of circuit performance to device characteristics.
The last paper in the session (18.6) is from Keio U, discussing circuit/device
interaction in the 3D context of inductive coupling between dies.
Session 19 is the third memory
session, this time on MRAM, DRAM and NAND; the first three talks are focused on
STT-MRAM, from imec (19.1), Hanyang U/Samsung (19.2),
and LEAP (19.3). Then IBM updates on their embedded DRAM (19.4),
now at the 22-nm node in their latest Power8 processor (which, being IBM, is
~650 sq. mm!).
TSMC discusses a new Self-Aligned Nitride
non-volatile memory cell in 19.5, and Macronix updates us on their
BE-SONOS charge-trapping NAND flash (19.6) in the last paper of the
Characterization and Reliability of Advanced
Devices is the subject of Session 20; papers 20.1,
20.3, and 20.5 all deal with nanowire characterization; imec has
two studies, on HKMG InGaAs finFETs (20.2), and ESD diodes in Si finFETS
(20.4); and finally two invited reliability presentations, by Jim
Stathis of IBM (20.6) and Tony Oates of TSMC (20.7), on what the
challenges are in their field as we move beyond 14/16 nm.
Session 21 is a group of five
papers discussing Atomistic Modeling of Device Interfaces and
Materials, the first being a multi-national study of hole
traps in p-MOSFETs (21.1); I had not realized that such traps had
similar characteristics in different oxide dielectrics, whether it be silicon
or high-k; and it appears that hydroxyl (-OH) groups could be the cause.
The next three talks (21.2, 21.3, 21.4)
are also dielectric and interface studies, as is the last, but 21.5 is
focused on HfO and HfAlO-based RRAM.
We go back to MEMS in session 22, actually
NEMS as well, as in 22.1, which is a review of integrating NEMS with
CMOS (U Grenoble Alpes, CEA-Leti, MINATEC), and 22.4, another CEA-Leti
talk on polySi nanowire sensors. Tsing-hua U has two papers also, 22.2 on
a nanomechanical thermal-piezoresistive oscillator, and 22.3 on CMOS-MEMS
Oscillators. The final two presentations are from A*STAR, about integrating RF
MEMS resonators and phononic crystals (22.5), and a 9 degree of freedom
capacitive sensor.
That brings us to the end of the afternoon,
and Applied
Materials is hosting a panel on "The Transistor Revolution" in the Nikko Ballroom in the Nikko Hotel. In parallel Coventor is hosting an event "Survivor, Variation in the 3D Era" in the Carmel Room, also at the Nikko Hotel. They both usually cater us
well, so once we’re sated from the hospitality we can wander back to the Hilton
for the conference evening panel:
“60 Years of IEDM and Counting: Did we push
silicon based devices for integrated electronics to the ultimate and what does
the future hold?”
Usually there are two panels, having one
avoids conflicts this year; and there are some distinguished panelists – Krishna
Saraswat from Stanford University, with two colleagues, Yoshio Nishi and Philip
Wong, Chenming Hu (UCal Berkeley), Hiroshi Iwai Tokyo Institute of Technology),
Jesus del Alamo (MIT), and Kurt Petersen, co-founder of six MEMS companies, and
a member of the Band of Angels.
Wednesday morning has sessions 25 – 31;
S25 on III-V for Logic; MIT has
two papers, on InGaAs Quantum-Well MOSFETs (25.1), and InGaAs/InAs
heterojunction single nanowire vertical tunnel FETs (25.5).
25.2 is an invited review
of “High-Performance III-V Devices for Future Logic Applications”, by
Dae-Hyun Kim of GLOBALFOUNDRIES; 25.3, by IBM, is more high-performance
self-aligned InGaAs-channel MOSFETs; 25.4 (UCal, Santa Barbera) is also
InGaAs, but with InP Recessed Source/Drain Spacers; and 25.6 discusses an
InAlN/AlN/GaN triple T-shape fin-HEMT (Nanyang TU, Ohio State U, Institute of
Materials Research and Engineering).
S26 covers Thin Film Transistors for Display
and Large Area Electronic Applications. Imec demonstrates an
ultra-low power organic 8 bit transponder chip in 26.1, followed by IBM with heterojunction field-effect
thin-film transistors (TFTs) with crystalline Si channels, and gate regions
comprised of hydrogenated amorphous silicon or organic materials (26.2).
CBRITE is next up (26.3), on High Performance Metal Oxide TFTs,
then a change of pace to carbon nanotubes with sputtered and spray-coated metal
oxides to form complementary inverters, from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Imperial College London, and U Würzburg (26.4).
Believe it or not, Delft U has worked out a way to put silicon TFTs on paper or other soft substrates:
Photograph of polysilicon thin-film transistors (the brown portion of the image) printed on paper. |
“The Delft team made the devices by casting a quantity of liquid polysilane onto a substrate, and forming a thin film from it by “doctor-blading,” or skimming it with a blade. High-performance polysilicon channel regions then were formed by laser annealing, using short pulses of coherent light to selectively crystallize the disordered film. The maximum temperature required was only 150ºC, making the TFTs suitable for paper and plastic substrates such as PET and PEN.” (
Tsing Hua U finishes up the session with the
last two papers – a study of “Ultra-Thin Body (2.4nm) Poly-Si Junctionless
Thin Film Transistors with a Trench Structure”, claimed to be useful for
displays and 3DICs; and more poly-Si channel junctionless FETs, but this time with a poly fin (26.6,
Hybrid and 3D Integration is the
topic of Session 27; TSMC starts off with a review paper about wafer-level
system integration technologies (27.1), followed by Nikon, demonstrating
their precision-aligning Cu-Cu bonding system for 3DICs (27.2); then
TSMC adds high-k metal-insulator-metal capacitors to their CoWoS interposers (27.3).
Stanford U pushes the boundaries in paper
27.4 by integrating traditional silicon-FETs with RRAM and carbon nanotube-FETs, to form four vertically-stacked circuit layers (logic layer followed by two memory layers followed by a logic layer).
CEA-Leti has been working on monolithic 3D integration for a while, and here they consider the thermal budget of the bottom layers (
27.5). The last paper has KAIST transferring SOI silicon nanowire SONOS memory onto a plastic substrate, after thinning down to the buried oxide (
(a) shows the nanowire FETs on an SOI wafer; (b) shows the ultrathin GAA SONOS devices transferred onto a flexible substrate. |
We have more emerging memory papers in
session 28, together with a couple on heterogeneous integration.
Toshiba starts the session discussing high
density STT-MRAM for cache memory (28.1), using MTJs embedded in the
back-end stack. Tohoku U and NEC look at hybrid MTJ/CMOS logic in 28.2
to make ultra-low-power logic LSI, and Rambus investigates surge current
control in RRAM arrays in 28.3.
Paper 28.4 is a CEA-Leti (et al.) study
of pattern recognition using convolutional neural networks made from HfO2
based OxRAM devices as binary synapses. National Chiao Tung U is also
researching synaptic use of RRAM for neuromorphic computation in 28.5.
Tohoku U returns with
a 3-D stacked multicore processor module made from a 4-layer 3-D stacked
multicore processor chip and a 2-layer 3-D stacked cache memory chip (
and using backside TSVs to enable multichip-on-wafer 3D integration. Below is an X-ray tomograph of the TSV stacks, the processor on the left and the memory on the right:
X-ray CT scans of TSV arrays in the four-layer stacked multicore processor chip (left) and the two-layer stacked cache memory chip (right) |
28.7, Penn State U et al.
demonstrate coupled hybrid vanadium dioxide FET oscillators in a platform for
associative computing, claiming ~20x power reduction compared with CMOS; and
the last paper from UCal Berkeley (
28.8) integrates NEMS into a CMOS
back-end stack for ultra-low power applications.
Session 29 continues the memory
theme, discussing PCM and Neural Networks, and
kicked off (29.1) by Micron Italy (et al.) looking into different GeSbTe
PCM cell architectures.
29.2 is from the Japanese LEAP consortium, describing a new type of PCM, “topological-switching random-access memory,” (TRAM). It differs from conventional PCM in that the latter works by the rapid heating of a chalcogenide material, which shifts it between its crystalline and amorphous states; whereas TRAM stores data by movement of germanium atoms within a GeTe/SbTe crystal superlattice:
Comparison of phase-change random access memory (PRAM) and topological-switching random access memory (TRAM) |
The authors claim up to 20x reduction in programming energy, achieving a set/reset current as low as 55 µA.
We have an invited
paper in 29.3, “Phase Change Memory and its Intended Applications”, by Chung Lam
of IBM, followed by a statistical study of PCM to optimize memory capacity (29.4, UCal Berkeley et al.). We get back to PCM-based neural networks in
29.5, again from IBM, and Politecnico
di Milano/Micron look at PCM set-transition energies (square vs triangular
pulse) in 29.6.
IBM again takes the podium in 29.7, examining access devices for crossbar resistive memories, and they
are a co-author with Macronix and National Tsing Hua U in the last paper, detailing a PCM recovery method
– apparently a local anneal can be done on-chip to recover the phase-change
properties if they degrade due to too many cycles (29.8).
Simulation of Novel Materials and Devices for FETs are considered in session
30; Toyota Tech Institute, Osaka U, and U Tsukuba (30.1) show that random dopant fluctuation in the source
region causes a noticeable variability in the on-current of Si nanowire
transistors, and its impact is found to be much larger than that of random
telegraph noise (RTN).
30.2 is a review of
Tunnel-FETs for future low-power technology nodes, by imec; 30.3 (U
Florida) simulates Mo-disulphide-WTelluride vertical tunneling transistors; 30.4
(ETH Zurich) is another Mo-disulphide transistor study, as is 30.5, but
also evaluates W-diselenide (UCal Santa Barbara); and the session finishes with
a simulation of a (B-N) co-doped graphene TFET by Hong Kong UST/NanoAcademic Technologies (30.6).
The last focus session is
session 31, Sensors, MEMS, and BioMEMS. It opens with a display of bio-MEMS for handling single molecules, including silicon nano tweezers, arrays of micro chambers, and chips with linear bio molecular motors (
31.1, U Tokyo). The specific application is the use of MEMS technology on the molecular scale to conduct studies of DNA degradation and protein mutation related to Alzheimer’s disease. MEMS tweezers were used to trap bundles of DNA molecules to study them for stiffness and viscosity, which are markers of DNA degradation. Here we have an electron microscope image of a DNA molecular bundle between the tips:
DNA bundle held by MEMS tweezers |
Next up, U Bologna/U Southampton research the use of AC nanowire sensing that can capture both magnitude and phase information of the device response (
31.3 is a review of “MEMS for Cell Mechanobiology” (Stanford U); and
31.4 is also a review, of “Organic Electrochemical Transistors for BioMEMS Applications”, from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines.
U Cincinnati (et al.) follows, with a
tempting look at a “novel multimodality lab-on-a-tube smart catheter”, which
can accurately track multiple parameters in an injured brain (31.5);
31.6 (Ritsumeikan U) shows off
another medical device, an all polymer pneumatic balloon actuator, fabricated
from polymers such as polyimide and polydimethylsiloxane that we are familiar
with in the chip business. Paper 31.7 from MC10 completes the session by
demonstrating examples of skin-based systems that incorporate physiological
sensors and actuators configured in stretchable formats.
After the morning sessions, the IEDM Entrepreneurs Lunch is back
for a third year, featuring
a presentation by Kathryn Kranen, Former President and CEO of Jasper Design
Also at lunchtime
ASM is hosting their regular IEDM seminar (Wednesday this year, instead of the
Monday as of last year) on “14nm & Beyond
- Fins all Around”, at the Nikko Hotel across the street from the Hilton.
There’s no website, so interested parties should contact Rosanne de Vries, by
replying to
And there’s a bit of self-promotion here, since I’m one of the guest speakers!
We are back to
Process and Manufacturing Technology in
S32 after lunch, with a focus on Advanced Process Modules. IBM details some of its work on finFETs formed by Directed Self Assembly (DSA) in
32.1, achieving 29 nm fin pitch, and maybe giving us more evidence that EUV may never happen..
Fins formed by DSA with 29-nm pitch |
32.2 Samsung discusses their 10-nm interconnect strategy; judging by the abstract, we might be moving to Cu+Ru liner by the time we get to 10 nm. An imec/Micron/Hynix joint paper (
32.3) reveals a new front-end scheme (gate and diffusion replacement), which allows high-thermal budget processes for applications such as control logic for memory (e.g. DRAM periphery).
Paper 32.4 is from Albany CNSE and its
sponsors, examining the contact resistivity on n+ InGaAs fin sidewall surfaces;
U Tokyo discusses oxygen effects in Ge MOSFETs in 32.5; 32.6 is a
review of ion implantation techniques and capabilities by Applied Materials,
from doping to materials engineering; and 32.7 covers “A Novel Junctionless FinFET Structure with
Sub-5nm Shell Doping Profile by Molecular Monolayer Doping and Microwave
Annealing”. The lead authors are from National Nano Device Laboratories, National Chiao Tung U, and National Cheng Kung U, but Michael Current
and Evans Analytical are also involved, so at the least there should be some
interesting analytical data included.
Session 33 has Exploratory Devices as the subject, inevitably academic in nature
– Carnegie Mellon starts off (33.1) showing a four-terminal spintronic device,
followed by Tohoku U, investigating 1x-nm perpendicular-anisotropy CoFeB-MgO based
MTJs (33.2). Then we have a two-sided graphene oxide doped silicon
oxide based RRAM (33.3) from National Sun Yat-Sen U, Peking U, and Stanford
U; and a new material raises its head in (33.4) – iodostannane,
basically tin activated with iodine, in a new kind of transistor, the
topological-insulator field-effect transistor.
National Nano Device Laboratories, et al.,
present CMOS-compatible Mo-disulphide 3DFETs in 33.5, and Stanford U end
the session with a review of carbon nanotube transistors.
Reliability: BTI, HCI and Breakdown are dealt with in session
34. A SMIC-sponsored work on NBTI in HKMG is covered in 34.1,
co-authored by Peking U, Liverpool John Moores U, and UCal Berkeley. Liverpool
John Moores U and imec look at NBTI of Ge pMOSFETs (34.2), and AIST has
researched PBTI in n-fin-TFETs in 34.3; imec is back in 34.4,
reviewing BTI reliability in “beyond-silicon devices”; and 34.5 covers
RTN in both SiON and HKMG devices, by Peking U and SMIC.
Samsung (34.6) studies hot carrier induced
dynamic variation in nano-scaled SiON/Poly, HK/MG and finFET devices, and the
final paper of the session is from IBM and SRDC, discussing breakdown
mechanisms in dielectric BEOL stacks (34.7).
The last session (numerically), session 35,
covers Compact Modeling of
devices. MIT and Purdue U get together to present a new model for FETs, which
uses only a few physical parameters and is consistent with the virtual source
model (35.1). They demonstrate its accuracy by comparison with measured
data for III-V HEMTs and ETSOI Si MOSFETs.
NXP/UFRGS have a new noise (RTN/LFN) model for
MOSFETS in 35.2, followed by IBM discussing several width dependent transistor
current characteristics (35.3). We jump to TSVs in 35.4, with a
CEA-Leti (et al.) study of thermal dissipation in 3D ICs and an associated
model; IMECAS presents a surface potential-based compact model for a-IGZO TFTs
in RFID applications in 35.5; and Purdue U/GLOBALFOUNDRIES model MTJs in
Chronologically the last papers are due at
4.05 pm – by then a lot of attendees will have headed for home, especially
since this year’s conference is so close to the Christmas break.
I will definitely be suffering from
information overload and becoming brain-numb, but with 218 papers and an
average of six parallel sessions at any one time, plus the offsite events,
that’s not really surprising. On the other hand, where else do we go to get all
this amazing stuff?
Time to unwind, maybe do a little holiday
shopping, and go for an indulgent meal.
H.J. Yoo et al., “Demonstration of a reliable high-performance and yielding Air gap interconnect process”, IITC 2010, pp. 1-3
- J. Jang, et al., “Vertical Cell Array using TCAT (Terabit Cell Array Transistor) Technology for Ultra High density NAND Flash Memory” VLSI 2009, pp.192-193
- M. G. Farooq et al., “3D Copper TSV Integration, Testing and Reliability”, IEDM 2011, pp.143-146